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TerraMil Pre-School and School Brokerage

Pre-School and School Real Estate Aquistions and Sales in Texas can be Complex


  • A preschool is a unique business with characteristics that require specialized attention. Without a trusted advisor working on your behalf, the process of selling or purchasing a preschool can be complicated and overwhelming. There are many factors that contribute to transactional success: an effective marketing strategy, a solid understanding of business objectives, and a detailed plan for the sale or aquistion.

  • TerraMil Properties has specialized in the sale and purchase of preschools, private schools, and Muti-use school facilities in Houston. The prices of our facilities have ranged from $300,000 to $3,000,000.

    The ever-changing educational real estate market requires specialized expertise and attention to detail. We assist our clients with every step of the purchase transaction, giving them the information and insights they need to make informed decisions and to achieve success and profitability.

    We leverage our expertise and experience to assist clients with:

    • Performing business valuations
    • Marketing and selling both the property and businesses
    • Pre-qualifying potential buyers
    • Following licensing procedures and meeting insurance requirements
    • Staffing and scheduling child care centers for optimal efficiency
    • Performing profit and loss analysis
    • Planning budgets
    • Closing escrow
    • Following up after the sale

    At TerraMil, we have the specialized knowledge, skills, and experience to help you find and purchase a well-suited childcare property, or to sell a facility as quickly as possible.

    We realize that the sale of a preschool can cause anxiety and uncertainty among staff members and parents. Throughout the entire process from valuation to closing of escrow, we will provide our consulting services with the utmost discretion and confidentiality.