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TerraMil Development Group

Fee Based and Brokerage Based Services.

Building Relationships: Literally.

In Addition to having the correct knowledge,experience, and focus; you need a firm that has fostered the relationships to ensure your project is successful.

Locally no one is more in touch, and has more connections locally. Our first and foremost priority is to provide innovative and cutting edge development services. However, we started our company on a handshake and a promise and will continue that philosophy on every project regardless of size.
Our comprehensive approach to development continues with the relationships we foster. We believe a positive rapport with our former clients, builders, tenants, home owners and city official helps our future clients overall success.

We specialize in working with Residential Developments and small to medium mixed-use developments. We are a boutique firm offering both fee-based, and brokerage based development services.
TerraMil Development Group provides development services including brokerage, land use planning, entitlement, pre-construction and development consulting services.
We work on different levels depending on your unique needs.  We can handle your project on an owner’s representative turn-key basis, a brokerage fee basis, or a Fee-Based Developer Consultant.  Lastly in conjunction with other development services or on a stand-alone basis we can assist your project on a construction management or engineering basis.
TerraMil has a client oriented focus to tailor any or of our services to your needs and project. We are able to run many aspects of the development at limited or no additional costs beyond our normal brokerage fees. We have the ability to handle all on-site sales and the sales of individual parcels if a bulk land purchase or contract is not feasible.
TerraMil Development Group is able to provide our client’s with an extensive web presence to maximize the value of the asset. The additional exposure is invaluable to our clients and their profit margin. 
Getting your development, mixed use community, or commercial Real Estate Project the proper web exposure is crucial. With SEO, and the correct advertising medium, we are able to provide our clients greater exposure for their project.
The correct marketing approach is not about spending excessively on advertising. It is about a targeted campaign that is both efficient and cost effective.